Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches

I know it’s not summer yet, but does it really need to be summer for ice cream sandwiches??! I’m pretty sure it doesn’t. And let me tell you… you aren’t going to want to wait until summer to try these. If you’ve tried my easiest vegan chocolate chip cookies from my earlier post, then these are going to KILL it at your house. These are my chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches.

Let’s talk about ice cream first. Ice cream often times brings you back to your childhood or brings back good memories, because who doesn’t love ice cream, right? Unless you have a severe intolerance to dairy and your only memories are of you with a major tummy ache after eating ice cream as a kid 😂 Everyone in my little family has some lactose issues so I limit it for little man as much as possible. We really never have it in the house. Aaaannnd I can be somewhat of a sugar Nazi with him so, really, the only sweets he gets are ones I make myself. Which is why I like this ice cream variety because I can control the sweetness.

You could easily make these with some store bought ice cream (there are lots of good vegan options out there, I love Halo Top’s vegan options), but the homemade ice cream in this recipe is too easy NOT to try. Frozen bananas make a dang good ice cream substitute, and you can add in all sorts of goodies to change it up.

  • Pour in some maple syrup for some extra sweetness and smokiness
  • Throw in some chocolate chips
  • Chop up some peanuts, walnuts or pecans for some crunch
  • Dump in a couple tablespoons (or more!) of almond butter or peanut butter
  • Cocoa powder for chocolate ice cream
  • Crunch up some cookies (a vegan sandwich cookie, graham crackers or vanilla wafers would be good!) for a cookies and cream variety
  • A combination of all of these because they’re all seriously delicious!

Ok so for the instructions.

  • Make cookies.
  • Throw banana and fixings in a blender and blend.
  • Build your sandwiches.

Seriously, that’s it! Now, I’m not going to lie, I like a big ice cream sandwich; almost obnoxiously big. You can decide how big you want your ice cream sandwiches when you make your cookies, but I guarantee you no one is judging you for making a big chocolate chip ice cream sandwich.

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